martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016


The National Natural Park Amacayacu, is located at the south end of the department of Amazonas, in the so-called "Amazon trapezium". The Park is the first protected area created in the Colombian Amazon region in 1975. It is the only area of the system of parks that protects the floodable forest of the Amazon River or várzea.

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Items to bring to the park:
• be vaccinated against yellow fever and tetanus.
• long pants, long sleeve shirt, enough clothes for change.
• swamp Boots.
• a bathing suit and sandals for bathroom.
• Hat or cap. " Waterproof.
• repellent.
• sunscreen.
• basic first aid kit that includes rehydration salts (oral serum).
• Water and/or canteen. 
• flashlight with batteries.
• Camera. 
• Hammock and toldillo.

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A good ecotourists should: 
•Do not buy wild animals and rejects places that the exhibit in captivity. Clearly expresses your disagreement. •Prevents restaurants that offer meat from wild animals, including fish pirarucú or paiche in the months of Veda trinational (October - May).
 •Do not buy crafts made with skins, teeth, bones, feathers or other parts of wild animals. "Learn about the history and the present reality of the Department and its people.

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I would recommend that you visit this place because it is a very interesting place, where you can learn many things and know more. It is a place where attended by many people interested in the nature of Colombia and that are located in the Amazon.

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